We are all ministers every day in every way in the world.
WorshipWorship is the heart of our community. It is how we begin and end each week. There is a sense of the personal in all our worship services that invites us to bring our whole lives before God. We sing robustly and pray deeply. We laugh and cry in worship as we listen for God's word for each of us.
All are welcome no matter where they are on their personal faith journeys. All are welcome regardless of race, age, class, gender, sexual orientation... singles and families alike. On Sundays, we worship at 9:25 am followed by Tippe Cafe where good conversation, fellowship, and care is shared by all. We celebrate the Lord's Supper the first Sunday of each month - coming forward to be served and joining our hearts and hands encircling the table in a special time of worshipful community. There are also several special worship services throughout the year marking the changes in the liturgical year as well as prayer services, healing services, and worship with our shut-ins. We also worship on Mondays on Zoom... Sundays are no longer the defining experience for what it means to belong! Come at 6:30 pm to Sanctuary Time Of Belonging for an experience of worship much like group spiritual direction and progressive reflective Bible study with room for your voice and your questions. And on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 (also on Zoom), yet another worshipful experience similar to Mondays but even further simplified. Education for AllOur Christian Education Ministry provides educational programming for all ages each Sunday morning after Tippe Cafe. Sunday School for kids, tweens and teens, study for adults, and childcare for babes and toddlers is offered throughout the program year.
Kids classes focus on experiencing the Bible stories and enjoying related activities together. This Children's Wisdom Circle meets 1st and 3rd Sundays during the program year. Adult Ed classes focus on responding to expressed needs and interests of our members. Topics range from personal prayer, to religious history, to mental health, to Biblical explorations. Faith Fellowship Groups meet weekly during the program year for a Bible Study that is nestled in a time of small group fellowship and personal faith sharing. It is modeled after Lectio Divina. Led by our pastor, both Wednesday morning. Congregational CareChildren are important to us! Our children are a welcome
and integral part of our worship on Sunday mornings. Our Children's Ministry offers children the opportunity for their own fellowship times as well as significant participation in the full life of the church through worship leadership, Vacation Bible School, outreach opportunities, and intergenerational events (such as the All Church Picnic, Christmas Caroling, Sharing the Light of Christmas, and our Easter Egg Hunt). Family Ministries make available to young and mature families alike activities that grow relationship and provide faith-filled fun. |
Music MinistryOur music ministry flows from the gifts of the congregation and the inspiration of the Spirit. This blending of gift and Spirit creates many opportunities for offering our praise to
God. We invite you to join in the ministry with us. We write much original music for worship based on our seasonal themes ...beyond praise....and the Tippe Band uses a blend of Celtic, Blue Grass, and Rock. We work collaboratively with Richard Bruxvoort Colligan as we use much of Richard's music, as well as Karen Drucker's music, in all aspects of our worship life together. Ongoing Missions & Justice MinistriesThe Mission Ministry at Tippe embraces two types of outreach: Ongoing Missions and Contemplative Justice Ministries.
Our Ongoing Missions support needs at-hand in the greater community. Special support and relationship continues with Hope House (transitional housing for homeless families and individuals) and Bay View Community Center, as well as other organizations locally. Our support makes an impact in our local community. Along side this outreach sits our Contemplative Justice Ministries which seek to impact the underlying cause of community needs and address these societal issues. We are surrounded by community issues which affect us directly as individuals and church, as well as affect those who may not have voice to speak up for themselves….and we are called to do something other than complain! We actively and prayerfully are involved with a number of advocacy and justice campaigns and organizations. Joining with the work of many congregations in our area, we bring to the attention of elected officials, as well as leaders in the local community and executives in business and government, issues of importance to the people in faith communities and call for an informed response on their part. Our session endorses the use of our church name for actions brought forward by these organizations. We also look inward at our own practices as a church to be sure we are environmentally aware and justice-minded. We currently drink Fair Trade Coffee as a way of supporting fair wages for low income workers. We are devoted to fair wages for our own employees. We recycle and do not use Styrofoam products. We, as members and friends of Tippe, will support each other in becoming aware of issues, provide resource links for individual education, and encourage all of us to vote. |