We welcome you to gather with us for worship in our sanctuary every Sunday morning at 9:30 am, and we also offer an online option, which enables us to provide a "hybrid" experience:
If you can't be with us in person, please join us via Zoom
Art by Sister Stella DeVenuta
We offer two additional weekly worship opportunities that gather only on Zoom:
-Centering Prayer, Sundays @ 6:00 PM
-Sanctuary Time of Belonging Worship, Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM

At Tippe, we believe in a spacious Christianity through which GRACE cultivates hope, healing, and purpose! Here faith continues to open up…to move away from cut and dry, right and wrong, good and bad. Tippe is a safe space, a brave place! An open and affirming community where everyone belongs! And, we're all accountable...in a life giving sense!
A community of communities where all are able to grow, ask questions, have doubts, and walk with others. Here, you will experience the palpable support of a community of believers, doubters, thinkers, doers, and pray-ers who together are changing lives and our greater community in visible ways! Please let us know if there are ways we can be supportive!
A community of communities where all are able to grow, ask questions, have doubts, and walk with others. Here, you will experience the palpable support of a community of believers, doubters, thinkers, doers, and pray-ers who together are changing lives and our greater community in visible ways! Please let us know if there are ways we can be supportive!

Tippecanoe is focused on ministries that address social justice and equity. Our missions address homelessness, food insecurity, and providing enriched literacy programming to children in our community.
Tippe is a 2021 MMSD Green Luminary Award recipient!
Click on the video above to see Pastor Karen explain Tippe's award-winning gardens!
What is a Green Luminary® Award?
It takes vision and foresight to sustainably manage water where it falls. A Green Luminary is ultimately helping protect our rivers and Lake Michigan by adopting practices that harvest rainfall for other uses or mimic nature by draining it into the ground to reduce water pollution. The Green Luminary projects are led by true champions who recognize not only the need to manage storm water but also the need to exceptional green infrastructure design projects in the MMSD service area that benefit our lakes and rivers, as well as our communities. |

Special Events and Living Waters Offerings can be found our
"New and Now" page!
"New and Now" page!
You can email Pastor Trish at [email protected]

Pastor Trish is available to visit you as you desire or need! Please email or call her.
We being of One Spirit.
Within God's Sure and Courageous Care,
Pastor Trish and Your Spiritual Leaders: Judy, John, Josh, Betty, Jerry and Gary!

What we are doing now...in terms of community rising and our call to justice?
Pick one or more that work for you!
It's so important each of us finds a way to respond to the current call for justice...pick a way that works for you so you actually respond vs lament or think more about the way things are vs. the way your faith prompts you to know they need to be!
GOTV...get out the vote...DONE!
#stillwriting #tippespeaks campaign to contact our legislators local, state, and national around issues we care deeply about....wherever we live! If you need sources of information or more, be in touch with Pat Bowne.
Urban/Suburban Conversations on "Race and Faith" with Our Lord's UMC in New Berlin and Transformation City Church in Milwaukee around topics of Anti-Racism. Led by Pastors Karen, Althea, and Kelly.
Protest from home by resisting your usual ways of thinking and so acting! We're calling it:
Work: Be informed
Act: Discuss some next steps in community
Think: See and hear different perspectives
Converse: Share reflections and experiences together
Hear: Listen to conversation around important issues
Pick one or more that work for you!
It's so important each of us finds a way to respond to the current call for justice...pick a way that works for you so you actually respond vs lament or think more about the way things are vs. the way your faith prompts you to know they need to be!
GOTV...get out the vote...DONE!
#stillwriting #tippespeaks campaign to contact our legislators local, state, and national around issues we care deeply about....wherever we live! If you need sources of information or more, be in touch with Pat Bowne.
Urban/Suburban Conversations on "Race and Faith" with Our Lord's UMC in New Berlin and Transformation City Church in Milwaukee around topics of Anti-Racism. Led by Pastors Karen, Althea, and Kelly.
Protest from home by resisting your usual ways of thinking and so acting! We're calling it:
Work: Be informed
Act: Discuss some next steps in community
Think: See and hear different perspectives
Converse: Share reflections and experiences together
Hear: Listen to conversation around important issues
PCUSA is an open and affirming denomination...
welcoming all, ordaining all, blessing all in life....
in marriage and singleness and leadership!
welcoming all, ordaining all, blessing all in life....
in marriage and singleness and leadership!
Some of our Outreach and Justice ministries include:

Divine Intervention Ministry to the Homeless now supports those homeless with 9 ministries around the calendar year. To know more, go to our DI page!
Find your own niche for volunteering. Make a difference in yourself... and our community!

Living Waters Contemplative Life Center provides spiritual formation for all through classes, retreats, healing arts practitioners. See what we're up to on our "New and New" page as well as Living Waters' own page.
Living Waters Contemplative Life Center provides spiritual formation for all through classes, retreats, healing arts practitioners. See what we're up to on our "New and New" page as well as Living Waters' own page.

Arts and Science Literacy Camp offers summer week long camps to support children in literacy, serving over 500 campers last summer, and now offering Camps year-round after the school day as well as Science Saturdays monthly! Check out our page by pulling down the ministry menu above.

The innovative mission of ASLC and our certified teachers offer engaging, hands-on, integrated arts and science learning experiences that support literacy development as well as the educational and emotional growth of Milwaukee area children.
Email us at [email protected] to know more!
Find form on our Arts and Science Literacy Camp page in the pull down ministry menu above!
Click here to watch the interview about Tippe's Arts & Science Literary Camp (ASLC) as shown on TMJ 4 on Feb 19.
Have you reached a Tipping Point?Visit us on Sunday at 9:30 am to pray, sing, reflect, and share your insights in community. Join with us as we seek transformation, live into hope, and strive to build up the kingdom with peace and justice.
Check out what's newThis Week in Worship...
Tippe GardensOur gardens are an integral part of our faith community. You will find us in the gardens digging in the soil, tending to our plants, and celebrating our connectedness at our "Healing in the Garden" events. Learn more about how we are using the gardens to support healthy eating and giving individuals access to meaningful work. See you in the garden!
Divine InterventionTippecanoe Church provides all night Prayer Vigils as a Cold Weather Divine Intervention ministry to the homeless in the Bay View and Cudahy areas of Milwaukee. Learn more about how we are a small church making a big difference within our communities!
![]() Tippe in the NewsTippe ministries are getting media attention because of the impact we are making on the community.
Tippe Church is a faithing community with a sense of...
We are striving to be...
Relevant and Responsive, Open and Affirming, Engaged and Engaging, Informal and Radically Traditional, Welcoming All. Honoring the Sacred Masculine and Feminine, Embracing the Mystic Within. We Are of One Spirit...not necessarily of one mind. Mission bound. Educationally engaged. Children and Teens show us “the way”. Elders honored. Visitors Expected. Full of gratitude and seeking grace! |
Come visit us!