VolunteerWe are always looking for volunteers to help support Divine Intervention and the Tippe Community Gardens. Contact us to learn more about the most recent volunteer opportunities.
Your DonationsYour donations support a ministry that matters. Your tax-deductible donation changes lives and makes our missions possible. When you give to Tippe, whether it is $2, $200, or $2,000, we steward these resources to make a difference in our community.
If you would like to mail a check instead of using the PayPal donation resource above (no PayPal account is required), please mail a check to: Tippecanoe Presbyterian 125 W. Saveland Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 Clothing Donations
accepted Nov 1st - Mar 15th from 9:00 AM - Noon. Clothing needed: sweatpants and shirts for women and men, undergarments, long johns, white socks, shoes, and boots. We don't have a place to store items all year. If you wish to donate outside of those dates, please give the items to Unity Church on Oklahoma or to Goodwill. Thank you! |